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PhD student Marvin Schmoll


Picture Marvin Schmoll

Marvin Schmoll


Tel.: 0049 761 203  5909
Fax: 0049 761 203 5755


Marvin completed his Bachelor's degree in physics at the University of Freiburg. In his bachelor thesis he worked on the generation of attosecond pulses by HHG with the aim of measuring sideband oscillations in two-color photoionization. During his Master studies he assisted in using these pulses for photoelectron-photoion coincidence spectroscopy in simple molecular systems. In his Master thesis cooperating with Lund University he studied the generation and application of even order harmonics by adding the second harmonic of the fundamental to the generating laser field.
As PhD student he is working in the Attosecond Spectroscopy Laboratory to build an interferometer fot the implementation of the two sideband RABBITT method. The goal of this is to investigate continuum-continuum phase delays.


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